Clients bring us their most complex matters when it counts the most and the stakes are high. From our office in New York City, we share our expertise seamlessly with colleagues in other Hodgson Russ offices to find creative and innovative solutions to clients' needs.
Visitor Info
Our office is located in Midtown Manhattan on Third Avenue, between E 40th and 39th Streets, on the 23rd floor of the building.
All visitors must be registered with building security in order to enter our office. Visitor information can be sent to NYC Receptionists for registration. Upon entry of the building, guests must check in at the building's security desk in the first floor lobby. Visitors must provide photo identification.
- The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA); Grand Central Station; Metro North Railroad; Port Authority.
- John F. Kennedy International Airport is 14 miles from our New York City office.
- LaGuardia Airport is 8.5 miles from our New York City office.
- Icon Parking Garages are located on 38th Street between 3rd Avenue and Tunnel Exit Street; 41st Street between Tunnel Exit Street and 2nd Avenue; 2nd Avenue between 40th and 41st Street.
- John A. AlessiPartner
- Open Weaver BanksPartner
- Nathan W. G. BertiPartner
- Andrew G. BeschSenior Associate
- Samuel A. BorlandPartner
- Jane Bello BurkePartner
- Peter R. CalleriAssociate
- Meghan M. CarrigAssociate
- Carmine J. CastellanoPartner
- Katherine E. CauleyPartner
- Thomas J. ColluraPartner
- Paul R. ComeauPartner
- William J. ComiskeyPartner
- Elizabeth G. CostelloAssociate
- John W. DaxPartner
- Katherine A. DelaneyParalegal
- Glen P. DohertyPartner
- Ariele R. DoolittlePartner
- Catherine B. EberlPartner
- Joseph N. EndresPartner
- Benjamin M. FarberPartner
- William FassuliotisAssociate
- Patrick T. FitzgeraldPartner
- Rob FluskeyPartner
- Neil B. FriedmanPartner
- Jodyann GalvinPartner
- Peter C. GodfreyPartner
- John M. GodwinPartner
- Joseph P. GoldbergPartner
- Michael J. HeckerPartner
- Debra Silverman HermanPartner
- Daniel P. KellyPartner
- Mark S. KleinPartner
- Nathaniel W. LucekPartner
- Jason E. MarkelPartner
- Ryan A. McGoniglePartner
- William F. McLaughlinPartner
- Gavin MeadLaw Clerk
- Jacqueline I. MeyerPartner
- Thomas W. NelsonPartner
- Timothy P. NoonanPartner
- Matthew K. ParkerPartner
- Elizabeth PascalPartner
- Travis PowersPartner
- Charles S. RauchPartner
- K. Craig ReillyPartner
- Aaron M. SaykinPartner
- Gary M. SchoberPartner
- Richard J. SlavinPartner
- Christian J. SollerAlbany & Saratoga Springs Offices Managing Partner
- Daniel A. SpitzerPartner
- Valerie E. StevensNew York City Office Managing Partner
- Janet TasigianisSenior Associate
- Kimberly D. VanOpdorpAssociate
- Dylan J. WeberAssociate
- Andrew W. WrightPartner
- Sujata YalamanchiliPartner
- Joon S. YooSenior Associate
- Michael D. ZahlerPartner
- John J. ZakCo-Chair of the Firm, Partner
- Henry A. ZomerfeldPartner
- Benjamin M. Zuffranieri Jr.Managing Partner