Tax and Financial Planning for Individuals Conference

Time: 3:50 - 5:30 p.m.
Topic: State & Local Tax Update
The first part of the session will cover the latest developments in state taxes in New York over the past year, including updates on residency and telecommuting issues. Also included will be a discussion of New York’s increased enforcement efforts against pass-through entities and how the state’s new corporate tax regulations impact nonresident allocation and apportionment considerations, as well as New York’s City’s aggressive audit campaign involving the UBT. The panelists will also cover new developments with the PTET and other pass-through entity tax regimes. The next session will cover the latest developments in state taxes in New Jersey over the past year, including updates on issues created from the July 2023 corporate reform. The panelists will also cover new developments with the BAIT and other pass-through entity tax regimes. The final session will cover 2024 Connecticut tax developments, including administrative updates at the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services and studies being conducted by the CT DRS, legislative changes for the 2024 legislative session, and an update regarding pending litigation and recent judicial decisions.
Speaker: Elizabeth Pascal