2021 Labor & Employment Webinar Series
This year Hodgson Russ continues its annual Labor & Employment Conference as a three part webinar series. Join our attorneys as they provide insight into some of the most critical issues of 2021, including the latest updates related to COVID-19.
Who should attend: In-house counsel, CEOs, COOs, human resources professionals, benefits administrators, risk managers, and all interested managers.
CLE credit has been requested. HRCI and SHRM credit pending.
DAY 1: Friday, November 5
8:30 - 10:30 a.m. ET
The Continuing Pandemic and the Great Reopening
Session 1
Back to the Office
Vaccination mandates, testing protocols, HERO Act
Session 2
Backing out of the Office
NY paid sick leave, NY paid quarantine leave, NY vaccination leave
DAY 2: Friday, November 12
8:30 - 10:30 a.m. ET
The Changing Landscape
Session 1
What's Old is New Again
Learn about critical changes in the procedures, positions, and initiatives of administrative agencies, including the U.S. Department of Labor, the National Labor Relations Board, and the New York State Division of Human Rights.
Session 2
Up In Smoke – Legalization of Marijuana in New York State
The advent of legalized recreational and medicinal marijuana in New York creates a host of new obligations and risks for employers. Learn about new job protections for users of marijuana and the impact those protections may have on your drug-free workplace policies and testing programs.
DAY 3: Friday, November 19
8:30 - 10:30 a.m. ET
Back to Basics: Managing Your Workforce
Session 1
The Ever Expanding Scope of Employer’s Equal Opportunity Obligations
A legal framework overview and conducting internal investigations
Session 2
Affirmative Obligations to Accommodate Employees – What Does that Mean?
Ill, injured, disabled accommodation requests; leave and other accommodations; religious accommodations
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